IDE And Environment Setting


full name

nvidia-smi -L

Shortcut Key


Ctrl+F1: Hides/unhides the Ribbon (very useful for quickly freeing up space on small screens)

While Presenting

+: Zooms into the slide (up to three zoom levels); once zoomed in, you can pan the slide with the mouse cursor or the arrow keys

-: Zooms out of the slide to provide an overview of all slides of the presentation (including sections)

B: Blacks the screen

PowerPoint Shortcuts to Manage Display

Alt+F9: Show or hide gridlines and guides


Alt + R: Spell Check

Alt + key : Changing Tabs

Shift + Up Arrow/Down arrow : Select or Deselect Text

Jupyter Notebook

Command Mode

Arrow Up/Arrow Down : Navigate between cells A: Insert a new cell above the current cell. B: Insert a new cell below the current cell. C: Copy the selected cell. V: Paste the copied cell below the current cell. D: Delete the selected cell. Z: Undo the last cell operation. M: Convert the selected cell to a markdown cell. Y: Convert the selected cell to a code cell. Shift + Arrow Up/Arrow Down: Select multiple cells. Ctrl + Shift + - : Split the current cell at the cursor. Ctrl + Shift + Minus : Split the current cell at the cursor. Shift + M: Merge selected cells. Ctrl + Shift + P: Open the command palette. Shift + Enter : Run the current cell and move the cursor to the next cell. Ctrl + Enter : Run the current cell without moving the cursor.

Edit Mode

Tab: Code completion or indent. Ctrl + Shift + –: Split the current cell at the cursor. Ctrl + ]: Indent. Ctrl + [: Dedent. Ctrl + A: Select all. Ctrl + Z: Undo. Ctrl + Y: Redo. Ctrl + Home: Go to cell start. Ctrl + End: Go to cell end.

Visual Studio

Navigate Backward / Forward: Ctrl + - / Ctrl + ^ + -

Toggle bookmark: Ctrl + k, Ctrl + k

navigate to the next bookmark: Ctrl + k, Ctrl + n

navigate to the previous bookmark: Ctrl + k, Ctrl + p

Uncomment selection: Ctrl + K, Ctrl + U


Zoom: scroll MMB

Rotate: Hold and drag MMB

Pan: Shift + MMB

sidebar: n

Unreal Engine 5

viewpoint navigation

Tilt camera : right click + moving

Move Around : right click + W, A, S, D

Move Up/Down : right click + Q, E

Accelerate/Decelerate Movement: Middle mouse bottun

Actor Operation

Focus on Actor: F

Move Actor: W

Rotate Actor: E

Scale Actor: R

Switch Tools: Space

Duplicate Actor: Alt key + moving

Snap to Surface: End

Level Operation

Create New Level: Ctrl + N

Save Level: Ctrl + S

Save Everything: Ctrl + Shift + s

Adjust Lighting: Ctrl + L

Play Mode

Enter Play Mode: alt + p

Exit Play Mode: ESC

Enter Simulation Mode: Alt + s

Toggle Content Drawer: ctrl + space

Browse to selected item: ctrl + b

Edit selected item: ctrl + e

Create new folder: ctrl + shift + n

Duplicate selected item: ctrl + d

Create Camera Bookmark: ctrl + 1, 2, 3

Editor fullscreen mode: shift + f11

Toggle Game Mode: G

sublime text 3

Show/Hide sidebar: Ctrl + K and Ctrl + B

Duplicate lines: Ctrl + Shift + D

Goto line number: Ctrl + G

select word: Ctrl + D

select all of the word: Alt + F3

jump back: Alt + -

jump forward: Alt + Shift + -

upper case: Ctrl + KU

lower case: Ctrl + KL



Delete character: x

go to 2nd line: :2

add: a or A

move down: j

move up: k

move left: h

move right: l

go bottom: G

go top: gg

add a line(below): o

add a line(above): O

go to next word: w

go back last word: b

delete word: dw

delete rest of line: D

delete rest of line and insert: C

delete to char a: dta

cut a word and paste: diw + p or P

Qt Creator

Stop Debugging: Shift + F5

Next Bookmark: Ctrl + .

Previous Bookmark: Ctrl + ,

Show/Hide side menu: Alt + 0


Ctrl+Shift+E: Split the view vertically.

Ctrl+Shift+O: Split the view horizontally.

Ctrl+Shift+P: Focus be active on the previous view.

Ctrl+Shift+N: Focus be active on the next view.

Ctrl+Shift+W: Close the view where the focus is on.

Ctrl+Shift+Q: Exit terminator.

Ctrl+Tab: Next Window

Ctrl+pgup: previous tab

ctrl+pgdown: next tab

Ubuntu Shortcut Key

Ctrl + Alt + F1~F6: change tty terminal

alt + f10: maximize window

Synology NAS Setting

Connect NAS to Windows Computer

Step 1: Install SYNOLOGY assistant in Windows

Step 2: Connect to your Synology NAS on your Windows computer using Synology Assistant.


Step 3: Synology Assistant Setup Wizard


Step 4: Synology NAS Folders directly from Windows Explorer



Environment Setting

Set Python3 Build

step 1: In sublime text 3, select Tools -> Build System -> New Build System

step 2: find your python3 path, maybe you can use which command to find.

$ which python3

in my case, my path is /usr/bin/python3

step 3: then, add following code:

 "cmd": ["/usr/bin/python3", "-u", "$file"],
 "file_regex": "^[ ]File \"(...?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
 "selector": "source.python"

step 4: save as: py3.sublime-build

step 5: select, Tools -> Build System -> py3

and run your code using Ctrl+B


Variable Declaration

	var i int =10
	fmt.Printf("%v, %T\n", i, i)



Can't redeclare variables, but can shadow them variables must be used


	const a = 10


const (
    a = 1
    b = 2 
    c = 3 


grades := [3]int{100, 60, 70}
fmt.Printf("grade: %v", grades)


var names [3]string
names[0] = "Tim"
names[1] = "Tom"
names[2] = "Bob"

2D Array

var mask [3][3]int
mask[0] = [3]int{1,0,1}
mask[1] = [3]int{0,1,0}
mask[2] = [3]int{0,0,1}

Check GPU

$ sudo lshw -C display

Install cuDNN: 7.6.5 in Ubuntu 18.04 (x64)

Debian Installation:

  1. Download cuDNN Runtime Library for Ubuntu18.04 (Deb), cuDNN Developer Library for Ubuntu18.04 (Deb), cuDNN Code Samples and User Guide for Ubuntu18.04 (Deb)

  2. Install

Install runtime:

$ sudo dpkg -i libcudnn7_7.6.5.32-1+cuda10.2_amd64.deb

Install developer library:

$ sudo dpkg -i libcudnn7-dev_7.6.5.32-1+cuda10.2_amd64.deb

Install code samples

$ sudo dpkg -i libcudnn7-doc_7.6.5.32-1+cuda10.2_amd64.deb


Install TensorRT

Install TensorRT 7.0 in Ubuntu 18.04 (x64)

  1. Download

  2. Install

$ sudo dpkg -i nv-tensorrt-repo-ubuntu1804-cuda10.2-trt7.0.0.11-ga-20191216_1-1_amd64.deb
$ sudo apt-key add /var/nv-tensorrt-repo-${tag}/
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install tensorrt libcudnn7

using Python 3:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-libnvinfer-dev

Use TensorRT with TensorFlow:

$ sudo apt-get install uff-converter-tf

Verify the installation:

$ dpkg -l | grep TensorRT


Uninstall TensorRT

Step 1: Uninstall libnvinfer7 which was installed using the Debian:

$ sudo apt-get purge "libnvinfer*"

Step 2: Uninstall uff-converter-tf, graphsurgeon-tf, and onnx-graphsurgeon which were also installed using the Debian

$ sudo apt-get purge graphsurgeon-tf onnx-graphsurgeon

Step 3: Uninstall the Python TensorRT wheel file If using Python 3.x:

$ sudo pip3 uninstall tensorrt

Step 4: Uninstall the Python UFF wheel file If using Python 3.x:

$ sudo pip3 uninstall uff

Step 5: Uninstall the Python GraphSurgeon wheel file If using Python 3.x:

$ sudo pip3 uninstall graphsurgeon

Step 6: Uninstall the Python ONNX GraphSurgeon wheel file If using Python 3.x:

$ sudo pip3 uninstall onnx-graphsurgeon

Install DeepStream 5.0

Nvidia said… You must install the following components: - Ubuntu 18.04 - GStreamer 1.14.1 - NVIDIA driver 450.51 - CUDA 10.2 - TensorRT 7.0.X

Install dependencies:

$ sudo apt install \
libssl1.0.0 \
libgstreamer1.0-0 \
gstreamer1.0-tools \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad \
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly \
gstreamer1.0-libav \
libgstrtspserver-1.0-0 \

Download DeepStream 5.0 dGPU Debian package

Install .deb file

$ sudo apt-get install ./deepstream-5.0_5.0.1-1_amd64.deb


Uninstall DeepStream

Remove DeepStream 4.0 or later installations:

$ cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/
$ PREV_DS_VER as 4.0
$ sudo ./

VS Code

Python Interactive Mode

create an empty .py file and type:

# %%

VS Code Remote SSH Setting

Local PC Setting

Create your local SSH key pair:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Connecting to a Linux SSH host:

$ export USER_AT_HOST=user-name@hostname
$ export PUBKEYPATH=$HOME/.ssh/

$ ssh-copy-id -i "$PUBKEYPATH" "$USER_AT_HOST"

SSH file and folder permissions:

$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/

Connect To A Remote Host In VS Code

Step 1: In VS Code, Command Palette (F1)

Step 2: Search Remote-SSH: Connect to Host and Click

Step 3: Type user@hostname

CMake Configuration

Step 1: Install c++ extension, ctrl+shift+x search "c++".

Step 2: Install cmake tools extension, ctrl+shift+x search "Cmake tools"

Step 3: make GCC installed.

Create CMake project

step 1: create CMakeLists.txt and .cpp files

step 2: build, ctrl+shift+p and type cmake:Configure, select cpp compiler

step 3: ctrl+shift+p and type cmake:Build

If need selelct debug/release mode by ctrl+shift+p and type CMake: Select Variant


ctrl+shift+p, type CMake: Debug


Sublime Text

Install Plugin

Step 1: Open Sublime Text, ctrl+shift+p and type "install package control"

Step 2: ctrl+shift+p and type "install package"

Step 3: type your package name and check your plugin.



Download bash file, then install.


$ bash


Delete anaconda directory

$ rm -rf ~/anaconda3

Remove conda path from ~./bash_profile:


$ export PATH="/Users/jsmith/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"